Sunday, September 7, 2008
This is our blog song, happy listening! :P
Our Blog Song @ 7:13 PM
Friday, September 5, 2008

These pictures show the fishes among the coral reefs.Do you know that coral reefs are the base of most fishes? They stay in the coral reefs and hide from predators in the coral reefs. So remember, SAVE THE CORAL REEFS! (Save the Coral Reefs!)
More about Coral Reefs! @ 9:14 PM
On the 2nd of September, "The Straits Times" newspaper reported in one article that we Singaporeans have a very bad attitude. After eating our food in hawker centres, we just leave them on the table and go off. This is a very unhygenic habit. In the article, a man who is from the Philippines said, "I usually carry my trays and clean up after myself when I'm back home." This show that in other countries, people are courteous enough to clear up after them. Not only does this provide a cleaner place for the later customers eating in the food centres, the cleaner would not need to look at the dirty remains of customers' food. This post is in reference to the post I posted up on "Efforts to Prevent Pollution". Us, Singaporeans, really are not caring enough to clean up places. Do we want other countries to not think of us as a "Clean and Green" city anymore? We really have to change our eating habits and attitude to mantain what we are well-known for and to curb pollution. We must use actions more than words. What is the point of saying I will do my best to stop polluting the sea and harm marine lives when you are not doing anything?
About the "heck-care" attitude of Singaporeans @ 8:34 PM
This is another video of many pictures of coral reefs. Enjoy the beautiful pictures of the coral reefs. You would not like the coral reefs to get destroyed and extinct right? Do we want to destroy the beautiful paradise deep under the sea?
Awesome Ocean - Coral Reefs - Click here for more home videos
More videos! @ 8:29 PM
This is another video about coral reefs. I hope all of you will enjoy it! :)
Coral Reef Diving in South Pacific - Funny bloopers are a click away
Video time! @ 8:26 PM
This is a popular tale that I think many would know. The story goes that there is a boy who went to a beach. At the beach, he saw an old man who kept picking up starfishes and he would then throw the starfishes into the sea. The boy was very curious and went up to the old man and said, "There are so many starfishes on the beach! It's impossible to throw back all the starfishes into the sea! Do you know that whenever you throw back one starfish into the sea, one more starfish would be swept up onto the beach?" The old man replied, "I know that." The boy than asked, "So why do you bother to throw back the starfishes into the sea?" As the old man replied, he continued picking up the starfishes and throw them back into the sea. He said, "I try to help as much as I can, because it is better to have some starfishes saved than no starfishes saved, right?" Although we are not famous scienctists or whoever, we can still do our part to save the marine lives. We can always try our best. As the story says, it is better for the marine lives to have some help than for the marine lives not to have help at all.
A Story For All @ 2:25 AM
This is now to tell all of you the importance of marine plants. Most of you should know that plants photosynthesise and so, plants are actually the provider of oxygen for all marine lives, so if we harm the marine plants, the animals would not have oxygen and they would not survive. So we would have a shortage of seafood. This is a chain of reactions:
Plants are killed > not enough oxygen for animals > animals will die of lack of oxygen > lack of seafood for us, humans
Importance of Marine Lives @ 2:02 AM
This song is the new popular song, "Apologise". As the chorus goes: "Its too late to apologise, it's too late. I said it's too late to apologise, its too late" If we continue to harm and pollute the sea, it will really be too late to apologise to the marine lives, the dolphins and the whales, the sharks and the jellyfishes, the coral reefs and the marine plants. Do we want the marine lives to all slowly disappear before realising the importance of marine lives? Do we want to let the next generation to suffer because of us? Do we want the marine lives to suffer because of us? Do we want to look down from heaven after 100 years and regret? Let me tell you, there is no time to lose at all. Grab all your friends and set up blogs, websites, clubs and posters to spread the message: Save the Marine Lives. As all of you would know, now in America, Barack Obama and McCain are now really biting at each other throats and I recommend any of you American friends: If any of them say how they will protect marine lives, you should vote for that candidate. I mean, that is my own view, you need not follow, but try your best, try your very best to help and save the marine lives.
How the Song relate to the Content @ 1:17 AM
Think of this: soft and creamy cod fish with a great taste of delicious creamy meat, packed with the loveliest prawns you have ever eaten-soft and big. Next, comes the chilli crab! With the lovely sweet meat and the great time sucking the chili sauce with just the hint of the spicy chili. You will lick your lips and drool in delight right? But with the rate we are killing the seafood, I guess there is a very small chance that you will be enjoying that scumptous meal 50 years later. Not only overfishing and polluting the sea is causing this problem, but do you know that air pollution and global warming also affects marine lives? Do you think the melting of ice bergs only do place we, humans, in danger? Do you think heat waves only affect us too? I hope all of you will understand that pollution is not a laughing matter. Not only does it affects those on land, those in the sea and in the air also will get affected so please try and prevent pollution. Also, to enjoy the meal I just described, you must remember this: pollution is NOT and will NEVER be a laughing matter.
The Seriousness of Pollution @ 12:54 AM
This week is the September holidays! So I asked my parents to bring me to the beach and have a picnic yesterday. However, upon reaching the beach, I saw that it was of the most disastrous state! Litter filled the place and the waves kept washing off some empty cans, plastic bags and tissue paper into the sea! I felt so guilty. We, human beings, are destroying the marine lives one by one! I hurriedly tried and pick up as much litter I can collect and throw them into the rubbish bins around. I just wonder why are humans so selfish? The rubbish bins are just a stone throw away and why must they be so lazk and selfish to leave their litter around? Not only does it post as a threat to marine lives, it also make the beach dirty and unhygenic for other people and it may also leave a bad impression of tourists, tarnishing our good reputation of being a "clean and green" city.
P.S. It's a pity that I did not take any pictures :(
Efforts to Save the Sea @ 12:47 AM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I went to youtube to search for some videos to see if anybody concerned about the marine enviroment and have some interesting video to share with everyone. Here is one video:
Video @ 12:30 AM
In Florida, the coral reefs are slowlydying off. It was the key West dive operators who launched Reef Relief to keep ship anchors off Florida's dying reefs. It was a lone Pacific Islands environmental consultant who crusaded to restore the giant clam to Tonga's depleted reefs. And it was a passel of marine scientists, alarmed by their findings and frustrated with government inaction, who launched last year's International Year of the Reef, a global research and education program to spur coral conservation efforts and reverse the trend of destruction.
Other Pollution in Florida:
Brevetoxin in water and sea plants eaten by Florida's endangered manatees results in beeding from the nose and premature death.
Pollution in Florida @ 12:13 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
We can do our part by saving the Coral Reefs. The biologists have seen the future, and their message is: Living coral reefs are the foundation of marine life, and thus a crucial support for human life, yet all over the world they are dead or dying because people are destroying them—killing them—at a catastrophic rate. Already 10 percent are lost, and scientists say 70 percent of all corals on the planet will be destroyed in 20 to 40 years unless people stop doing what they're doing—pollution, sewage, erosion, cyanide fishing, clumsy tourism—and get serious about saving the coral reefs now. As you can see, all this promotes the dying off of the coral reefs. What we can do is to try and prevent all these things from happening. Let us not pollute the ocean with our rubbish: you can be volunteers to help and clean up the beach. It is important for the beach to be clean as harmful litter on it can be easily washed into the sea by the tides. Although we can only help prevent pollution, pollution is actually a one of the more serious threat to not only the coral reefs, but also to the other marine lifes. Let us try our very best and let the coral reefs come back to life again!
A good news for all of you: Reefs are resilient and they bounce back quickly when protected.
Saving the Coral Reefs @ 8:22 PM
Here is a diagram to show where the coral reefs are in the world.
Where the Coral Reefs are @ 8:17 PM

The population of coral reefs is declining drastically. Based on the website of the ABC News, coral reefs are hold more than 25 percent of all the ocean life and serve as one of the most important part in human food chains. "If we were to lose reefs, you basically lose the condominium that holds all those creatures," said Ellen Prager, chief marine scientist for the Aquarius Reef Base research project in Largo, Fla. Base on this quote, it is said that coral reefs are the places that most fishes live in. If the coral reefs get exticnt, many fishes may also get extinct due to the fact that they do not have a place to live and hide from predators anymore. Coal reefs have thrived for 200 million years, but dealing with extensive human impact and environmental pressures, including overfishing, water pollution and climate change, have taken a toll on the ocean's populous habitats. An environmental consultant, Gary Davis, said, ""The resilience of the coral reefs ecosystem is stressed and impaired." However, coral reefs are not only affected by human, but natural disasters like hurricanes would wipe corals off the ocean floor 50 to 100 miles of area. We must all try and do our part to prevent the coral reefs from getting extinct!
Coral reefs @ 7:36 PM
On Monday, August 25th, the newspaper "The Straits Times" reported that more Singaporeans are choosing to scatter the ashes of the dead into the sea. This practise have been practised by the Hindus such as the Kandiahs for a long time. I believe that we should not scatter ashes into the sea as the ashes would pollute the sea. To me, it is the same concept as throwing rubbish into the sea. Many would claim it is different but think of it, is it a different thing to throw equally harmful things into the sea? Maybe people would say that rubbish are harmful like plastic bags because they are much bigger but ashes are so tiny that the fishes cannot possibly get entangled with it like with plastic bags. However, you can try this experiment: take some chili powder and scatter some into a glass of water. You will realise that the water would soon turn red. So since ashes are black and everybody start to scatter the ashes into the sea, the sea would soon turn black and murky. For the marine life, won't their lifes become dirty and polluted. Would us, humans, like to live in a bouse filled with litter? For the coral reefs though, they might suffer the most as they normally stay at on place, unable to move around like other animals living in the sea. If the water around them becomes polluted, the oxygen around them would also get affected, and unlike fishes who might swim away to get to places not very polluted, the coral reefs would die easily from breathing in the polluted air, just like us, humans, might die from breathing in polluted gas.
Scattering Ashes Into The Sea @ 12:13 AM